Sunday, December 12, 2010

blg 5


Final blog


         In my own
opinion a person who always has a positive outlook on life are more likely to
be successful in life. When a person is constantly doubting themselves, or always
looking on the bad side of things. This will cause the person to create
insecurities and get in the way of certain obstacles in life. Obstacles in life
like getting a job or even on your pursuit of love. If a person is always
thinking that they are not good or smart enough to achieve anything. All they
must realize is that everybody has something they are good at. If a person just
believes in themselves and apply their skills to the fullest  extent they would find that it easier to
function in a work environment. Also if a person thinks positive about certain
things such as going on an interview and working in different environments.

After taking my eng101 class I’ve become more of a positive
thinker myself. I used to always think that my life was a joke and I was never
allowing myself to pursue my goals. In the class I’ve been inspired to live a
happy life. Ive learned all different things that I can do to avoid not living
a happy life. Also I’ve learned that if you have motivation to do good and always
look with a positive perspective.  with
all the knowledge of what can be done to better my life I hope to be very
succeccefull  in life.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

final draft 1000 words

Timothy Giral

   “A person who believes that they can be truly healthy but not happy isn’t truly happy.”(Timothy Giral)

          With all this medicine out there people rely on them solely to feel better when getting sick. Is medicine the only thing that can better the way you feel? I feel that a person’s happiness level can play an important role in someone’s health. I am not the only person who seems to believe that when a person has a cold and are exposed to laughter can make a person feel better than someone who has no reason to laugh. Also how laughter can make you feel better and forget about your personal problems. Also, how fun and laughter can help you cope with being scared of something that is about to happen like getting a shot. And making someone with cancer happier can help them feel better. Being happy has a lot to do with allowing yourself to feel better about certain things. Laughter is a major thing that can make a person happier. If a person can exclude certain things that has a negative effect on their lives, and focus on something that will allow them to either feel better or forget the current problems.

  If a person has a cold or isn’t feeling good it is always good to try to get there mind off their sickness. Let’s say you have a cold or even a fever if you decide to stay in your house all the time it may feel depressing. By doing something that will put a smile on your face can make you feel better. I myself even tested this out. It was so ironic that when I had to read the laughing guru I got sick. I remembered what James Walsh (An American physician) believed that “laughter has a favorable impact on the mind influences various functions of the body and makes them healthier” (T.P.O.H 84) And I did exactly what he suggested. I watch my favorite comedy movie of all times “The Hangover” and it didn’t cure my cold but I defiantly felt much better. Also if you are going through hard or emotional time laughter can be a big help in getting through it.

    Hard times such as, not being able to pay your bills or when your job lets you go. Or when you are having problems with your girlfriend is getting to the point where it is affecting the way you feel. If you just simply apply all that negative thoughts and energy to something positive you will feel much better. For instants “laughing yoga’’ as described in the laughing guru. It is a form of yoga that you force yourself to laugh and eventually it will turn to a natural laugh. This will make you feel better. Also let’s say you bring your child to a doctor’s office to get a shot and they know what’s about to happen. Do think the comfort level of your child would be good if they were just sitting there waiting for the shots. Or being able to play with toys will allow them to cope with the intensity of getting a shot by getting their mind off of it? In the pathologies of hope article by Barbara Ehrenreich states that it is better to have a positive outlook on things so it can go by better. Also I can have to do with the environment you are in.

   Let’s say you were a cancer patient and you have no reason to believe that you still have a chance to live. And you are in a very depressing area why would you want to live. Imagine being really sick in a hospital with people dying around you every day. And each day that passes you slowly give up hope because you don’t know when you will be next. Wouldn’t you want to be in a place where you would want to wake up in everyday? In the movie Patch Adams, an ex-mental patient realizes that a person if happy is able to overcome a lot of issues while sick. He secretly opens up his own hospital not only to help them medically but to offer them hope and happiness while doing so. And this movie is a great source to make people believe that being happier can make you healthier.

    I stand strong in the idea that happiness and laughter can help a person become healthier. I never really thought about how the impact of a person’s happiness can either make or break a person’s health until I had to research it. From seeing my friends and from personal experiences I notice that when you are depressed or unhappy you can become very sick. Two years ago my best friend for16 years past died in a car accident. She was killed by a drunk driver. I never knew how life without her could be. I notice now that depression was taking over my body and mind. I was rapidly losing weight and not wanting to do anything with myself. Every day I woke to the thought of the night my friend died.  I just seen her before she left to go home that’s the crazy part. But I’ll leave that for another paper. My point is that I was doing really badly. Until I realized that I’m still living and I can’t destroy my life by being depressed I slowly did more positive things to make me happy like finishing school etc. Now I can say that I am the happiest I’ve ever been.

   A person’s happiness can play a major role in a person’s health. By laughing and thinking positive it can get you by easier and healthier. Also how doing things to get your mind of off problems can help you get by. I feel that everyone has the power to make them happier and healthier. Everything I argued isn’t able to cure anything it will only help. The reason I feel happiness is a big deal in someone’s health is because if a person is already fighting a certain sickness off. Then it would be easier to do so if you were depressed and worried about that other than being sick.  

Monday, November 29, 2010


Sacrifice vs. Sharing
  In happier the author talks a lot about the way a person can sacrafice and sharing can improve ones happines. By helping others one can make themselves feel better about themselves. I honestly belive that if you do something nice to someone it will come back to you in some from of way. The other day for instence i was waiting for the train. THe train came and i saw all the passengers were on the oppitsite side of the train cart. i saw that there was a homless man or woman sitting there and i was wondering "what if that was me?". So i took my northfsce coat off and gave it to him or her. HE/she didnt even notice that i gave it to them . i didnt even get a thank you  and that mad my action even more rewardable and i was extremly happy after words.
  The core self as explained in happier is a persons side that not isnt visable to everyones eyes. It is a persons deep inner feelings and beliefs. Like me, i am a very loving person. I am very caring.And I am a very fun and joyfull person to be around. Those are all prime examples of my core self. Now not everyones coreself is going to be positive. A person can have a greedy,hateful,neglectful core self.


Cultivating vs Finding
      Do you spend alot of time looking for someone who is perfect for you? Dont you think that it would be easier to make that person. Well in the article happiness in relationships the author talks about the differnces in cultivating a relationship or finding the perfect macth.Cultivating in a sense means that you are trying to work with what you have to make it a great relationship. The author arguees that working on and building a relationship is better than searching for the right one and keep on getting disapointed.I feel that a person is better off trying to build a relationship. The reason i say that is because it will build something much more than just love, but trust devotion and most importantly a friendship.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Timothy Giral

   “A person who believes
that they can be truly healthy but not happy isn’t truly happy.”(Timothy Giral)

          With all this medicine out there people rely
on them solely to feel better when getting sick. Is medicine the only thing
that can better the way you feel? I feel that a person’s happiness level can play
an important role in someone’s health. I am not the only person who seems to believe
that when a person has a cold and are exposed to laughter can make a person
feel better than someone who has no reason to laugh. Also how laughter can make
you feel better and forget about your personal problems. Also how fun and
laughter can help a person feel better from the intensity of waiting for a
shot. To someone with cancer living longer because of a happier environment.

     If a person has a
cold or isn’t feeling good it is always good to try to get there mind off their
sickness. Let’s say you have a cold or even a fever if you decide to stay in
your house all the time it may feel depressing. Then doing something, which
will put a smile on your face to get your mind off of being sick. I myself even
tested this out. It was so ironic that when I had to read the laughing guru I got
sick. I remembered what Richard Mulcaster a humanist educator believed. “Laughter
produced warmth throughout the body and was a good antidote for colds, headaches
and bouts of melancholy.” He believed. And I did exactly what he suggested. I watch
my favorite comedy movie of all times “The Hangover” and it didn’t cure my cold
but I defiantly felt much better. Also if you are going through hard or
emotional time laughter can be a big help in getting through it.

    Times when a
person can barely pay the bills because your job let you go. Or when you are
having problems with your girlfriend is getting to the point where it is
affecting the way you feel. If you just simply apply all that negative thoughts
and energy to something positive you will feel much better. For instants “laughing
yoga’’ as described in the laughing guru. It is a form of yoga that you force
yourself to laugh and eventually it will turn to a natural laugh. Which will
make you feel better. Also let’s say you bring your child to a doctor’s office
to get a shot and they know what’s about to happen. Do think the comfort level
of your child would be good if they were just sitting there waiting for the
shots. Or being able to play with toys will allow them to cope with the intensity
of getting a shot by getting their mind off of it? In the pathologies of hope
article by Barbara Ehrenreich states that it is better to have a positive outlook
on things so it can go by better. Also I can have to do with the environment
you are in.

   Lets say you were a
cancer patient and you have no reason to believe that you still have a chance
to live. And you are in a very depressing area why would you want to live. A person
in a hospital with people dying all around them how you would be able to cope
with it when you feel like you’ll be next. Wouldn’t you want to be in a place
where you would want to wake up in everyday? In the movie Patch  Adams , a ex mental patient realizes that a
person if happy is able to overcome a lot of issues while sick. He secretly
opens up his own hospital not only to help them medically but to offer them
hope and happiness while doing so. And this movie is a great source to make
people belive that being happier can make you healthier.

   A person’s
happiness can play a major role in a person’s health. By laughing and thinking
positive it can get you by easier and healthier. Also how doing things to get
your mind of off problems can help you get by. I feel that everyone has the
power to make someone happier.