Wednesday, September 29, 2010

blog number one

Timothy Giral
Blog assignment number one
  When reading the article “The Futile Pursuit Of Happiness” by Jon Gertner, at first I really was not interested in the text. I gave it a chance and as I got deeper into the article ironically I said to myself that this text isn’t half bad. Some of the topics that they spoke about was actually really interesting. Such as, How evolution has a lot to do with a person ’s ability to be happy. Also the theory of having a of having a psychological immune system and the theory of adaptation.

   The theory of Adaptation was my favorite  topic that was discussed in the article . The reason why this is my favorite topic out of the few other interesting topics is because I feel that a lot of concepts it consist of actually happens. For example “HOT and COLD states” when a person is frustrated hey tend to do things differently than if they were in a cold state where you are more calm and collective. Like the time I saw my friend getting into a fight I reacted in a hot state and jumped in. In the end I wished I reacted in a cold state rather than hot because the police got involved this issue. Forecasting is the way a person can imagine a scenario and imagine there feelings of the outcome of it. This concept is very interesting because its true. I feel that it is true because I cant even to begin to imagine how I would feel if I lost everything in my life. See what the people in the article is trying to say is that not everything that seems to us as a bad thing is always a bad thing. Ted Gilbert’s studies say that someone who one a lottery is as equally as happy as someone who cant walk .Now which one do you think would make you happier? Personally I would not rather any of these choices. The reason I say that is because with money comes stress and not being able to walk comes with not being able to do many things.
    Another topic that was discussed in the article is having a psychological immune system. Which is suppose to prepare and protect you mentally. This is just a metaphor but actually is true. A person can go through a lot of hard times for example bad relationships. If a person is constantly getting hurt by their mates after a while it won’t even phase them after a while. In Studying happiness you can gain a lot of knowledge on how the body simulates happiness and you can actually learn on how you can make your life happier. Thanks to all the people in the article I have a better understanding on how happiness works.


  1. I think what you did was right jumping in just to help your friend. I think if you didn't do anything about it you would of regret it if you didn't. At least with your experience I'm pretty sure you'll know what to do next time.

  2. Can you say that the "physco immune system" can sometimes sike you out of an emotion? What I'm saying is that maybe a certain situation that you thought would be bad and that you were prepared for the worst that it wasn't that bad at all? I agree with you also as far as the lotto and losing a limb scenario. That eventhough money is good, stress also follows. With losing a limb, I don't think you will be quite the same either.

  3. Hi Timothy
    I think you have good ideas and I like the way you put an issue and it is supported by examples. But you put all of them in the same paragragh. I suggest you to work in the structure of your essay. For example, in your second paragraph you put many terms. It is easier to pick two or three terms in different paragraphs and explain it. Finally, when you make the last paragragh try to make it as a conclusion that means you have to write about what you wrote in your whole essay.:):):)

  4. Hi Timothy,
    You got some excellent feedback from your readers!!! You make some great points and define the topics very well. In addition to their advice, I think the #1 thing to focus on for you will be eradicating sentence fragments! (here's an example "Such as, How evolution has a lot to do with a person ’s ability to be happy.")
    Good start.
